🎥 Live training sessions

Take advantage of our live, group training sessions! Whether you're new to Robin or are seeking to expand your knowledge, our various training sessions offer hands-on learning opportunities. 

  • All sessions are hosted on a recurring basis.

  • Reference the sign-up links below for all available dates & times. 

  • Recordings of each live session are also provided to all registrants. 

New admin training series

🎯 Target audience: Users with Admin permissions who are preparing to launch Robin for the first time, or are new to supporting Robin and looking to establish foundational knowledge of features and functionality. 

Additional sessions

  • End User Training

    • 🎯 Target audience: End users looking to learn common booking workflows and answers to FAQs.

  • Groups, Roles, & Permissions

    • 🎯 Target audience: Users with Admin permissions who would like to learn how leveraging Groups, Roles, and Permissions in Robin allows you to establish governance for resource booking.

    • 🎯 Target audience: Users with Admin permissions who would like to learn how Robin’s analytics + exports can provide valuable insights into how your workplace is being used so you can better understand utilization trends and optimization opportunities.

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