Setting up BlueJeans Relay in Robin



  • Paid BlueJeans account
  • Admin in Robin

About the Integration

Enabling BlueJeans Relay in Robin allows you to automatically start your BlueJeans meeting once you check into the room.

How to enable BlueJeans Relay

This article assumes that you have already set up your BlueJeans Relay account on BlueJeans & you're now ready to connect it to your Robin account. Please refer to BlueJeans Getting Started with Relay documentation if you need some help.


First step is to enable API access for Robin & BlueJeans Relay. A Robin admin or a member from your IT team will need to generate an access token by following these steps here.

Refer to the images below as a guide when generating the access token. 

Authorization: Basic bXl1c2VybmFtZTpteXBhc3N3b3Jk

You should receive a response that looks like the image below. From there, copy the generated access token to paste into Robin in the next step.

"HTTP/1.1 200 OK

{ "enterpriseName": "myenterprise", "accessToken": "DFG67SD876DFG76SDF5", "creationDate": 1418375348052, "expirationDate": 1419584948052, "roles": ["ROLE_READWRITE", "ROLE_READONLY"], "clientName": null }


Now that you have an access token, n avigate to Manage > Office integrations > BlueJeans > Manage in the Robin dashboard. 
  • Paste the access token. A successful connection will display in Integrations.


Don't want to repeat these steps in two weeks?

By default access tokens expire within 2 weeks. Be sure to adjust the duration parameters to -1 when generating the access token.

How to provision your Endpoint 

Following the steps in BlueJeans Relay getting started guide you will reach the Endpoint Provisioning step at which point BlueJeans will ask you for the Calendar ID and Calendar Type.

The Calendar ID or calendar address can be found in Robin on the space details page and will look something like this.


Make sure the Calendar ID in BlueJeans matches the calendar address in Robin.

RElay_Endpoint_highlight.pngGo through these steps for each space in Robin you want to connect with Relay.

How BlueJeans Relay works with Robin

Note: First, you must have a BlueJeans account connected to your personal Robin account. For instructions on how to integrate your BlueJeans account, click here.

When creating an event, you'll see the option to include connected integrations in the event composer. 


Then when it's the day of the event you can jump start the meeting by tapping check-in from the the room display. This will automatically start your BlueJeans meeting. 



Not seeing the check-in button on your room display?

Follow the steps here to edit the room display control settings.

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