How to make a desk bookable on unassigned days

On days when no one is assigned to a desk, you can make the desk available for employees to reserve for the day.  Use the Assignment tool in the web dashboard to turn this desk setting on for all or specific desks. 

1. On the web dashboard, navigate to the Office page and select a floor.

2. Click the Edit floor dropdown on the map.

3. Click Assignments. 

4. Click on a desk or select a group of desks with your cursor to open the right sidebar menu.

5. Select the box next to the "Bookable on unassigned days " setting for the selected desk(s). See the example below.

In the example below, you can see that the setting is turned ON & Desk 21 is assigned to Lauren and Dana on Mon/Wed/Friday. But on the other days, when no one is assigned to the desk (Tues/Thurs), the desk is made a flex desk and can be booked by other employees.

make bookable btn B.png

It will look like this on the Office map to employees:

bookable on map.png

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