Robin + Microsoft Intune


  • Advanced Authentication & User Management

User Permissions Required 

  • Active Robin user w/an Intune license

Our support for Microsoft Intune allows admins to provision the Robin mobile application to their users and safeguard the organizational data it uses on managed or unmanaged devices. Within Microsoft Intune, admins may configure various protections enforced by the Robin mobile application, such as requiring a PIN code for access, preventing copying or sharing of data, or remotely wiping the data from a lost device.


  • Decreases the risk associated with employees using a new app, and applying the protection policies. 

  • Controls what actions an end user can perform when using the app.

  • Limits the security risk of the app accessing the company data. 

  • Decreases the risk of third-party app installations within your Microsoft 365 domain. 

Admin configuration

Please contact Robin support to confirm your eligibility for Intune and enable it in your account. Use the Azure admin and Microsoft Intune consoles to configure the policies you'd like to enforce.

Azure admin console steps

  1. Grant admin consent to "Microsoft Mobile Application Management" and "DeviceManagementManagedApps.ReadWrite" by clicking the big blue Grant admin consent button when viewing the Robin (SSO & Service Accounts) enterprise application.

Intune console steps

  1. Ensure an App Protection Policy exists for Android & iOS, and it includes:

    1. com.robinpowered.compass as a custom app.

    2. A group containing the users you want to use Intune with Robin.

How it works for employees

Any Robin user who has a Microsoft Intune license (purchased from and managed by Microsoft) may use this feature.

After opening the Robin mobile app, users are prompted to log in. Selecting “Continue with Microsoft” will initiate the Intune enrollment process. 


Once the Robin application has been successfully enrolled with Intune, iOS users will be prompted to restart the application. This is done automatically for Android users. 


For example, if you require users to enter a PIN in order to access your organization's Robin account, it will look something like this:




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