Manage office deliveries

Admins can manage all office deliveries in one place using the Deliveries log in the web dashboard.

To open the Deliveries log, click the Deliveries tab at the top of the web dashboard. This is where you can:

Search, sort, & view deliveries

Use the sort and filter icons at the top of each column to search for specific deliveries:

Click the blue delivery ID link to view all the details, including the option to send reminders and edit or delete the delivery entry. 

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Update the delivery status

Click the status bubble and select a new status. You can also click the edit pencil under the "Actions" section to open the delivery details and choose the appropriate status from the list.

  • Pending: The delivery is awaiting pickup.
  • Picked Up: The recipient has confirmed that they’ve collected the delivery.
  • Unknown Recipient: The delivery recipient is not currently known.
  • Wrong Recipient: The recipient has indicated that the package was not intended for them.

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Resend the email notification

Resend email notifications to remind recipients to pick up their packages. Locate the delivery and click the send icon under "Actions." On the pop-up message, click Send.


You can also send email reminders in bulk. Check the box next to each delivery and click the bell icon. 

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Edit the delivery details

Select the pencil icon next to the delivery you need to edit or click the delivery ID link. Use the pop-out module on the right to make the necessary edits and click Save Changes.

Some fields cannot be edited; delete and start over if necessary. 


Delete delivery entries

Click the trash can icon under "Actions" to delete a single entry, or select multiple entries using the check box and click the trash icon that populates at the top. 

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Select the check box to send an email notification to the recipient and click Delete. Once it's deleted, it cannot be undone.


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