Use the daily roster for visibility into who's accessing the office on a given day based on desk reservations. And provide your team with a greater level of confidence and accuracy with desk check-ins and health checkpoints.
Managing the Daily Roster
Admins can review who’s in - or planning to be in - from the Daily Roster and roster export, and get a more accurate understanding of who’s using the office.
Admins, navigate to the Manage page in the top ribbon > Access tab in the left panel.
Enhanced visibility of who's in the office
In August 2022, we released some enhancements to provide a more accurate understanding of who's actually using the office and to capture it in the daily roster.
What changed?
Employees with assigned desks now opt into the office on the days they plan to be in instead of showing up as “in office” every day.
Previously, if an employee dropped into the office for meetings and didn't need a desk, they wouldn't be reflected in the Daily Roster. Now, employees can signal "I'm coming in" on the days they plan to be in (without a desk), and they'll be reflected in the roster.
The roster provides:
A list of employees who have signaled plans to be in the office for the day. This includes people who:
Have booked a desk for the day
Have checked into their desk
Desk capacity: The sum total of people with desk reservations and the sum total of desk reservations on a selected day
Desk confirmation status: hover over the check-in mark to see exactly when someone confirmed their desk reservation and how, locally via sticker scanning or "remotely" from the web dashboard or mobile app.
Health checkpoint status: Hover over the checkmark to verify who's completed the health checkpoint and when.
Desk location and time of reservation.
Note, that the health checkpoint & desk confirmation columns will show by default for all accounts; even if your office doesn't have these features configured. These columns will show "N/A" values if the features aren't enabled yet for the selected location.
Admins can monitor the building capacity by viewing the number of people with desk reservations (assigned, hot, or hotel) for the day compared with the total number of usable desks (assigned, hot, hotel).
You can also see the total number of people who have access to book desks in the office. Booking access can be managed by creating passes by building and/or by day.
You can view the roster for different offices and/or for different dates (past or future) using the navigation tools. If you need to look up a particular person, enter their first & last name in the search bar.
The daily Roster export creates a shareable real-time list of desk reservations, confirmations, & completed health checkpoints for a given day. The export downloads directly to your desktop as a CSV file and it will look something like this: