Step 1: Add your office maps

Robin's interactive maps give your team a live view of the office for easy wayfinding. Robin admins can easily create office maps for each location and get real-time answers to how people, spaces, and resources work together in the office. 

During the onboarding process, Robin will prompt you to create floors and submit floor plans to start building your Robin office. But if you skipped these steps during onboarding or you're an existing customer with more floors to add, then you're in the right place. Follow this guide to learn how to add maps to your account. 

Step 1:  Create floors. 

Step 2: Submit floor plans to Robin's design team.

Step 3: Personalize maps for an interactive experience.


Already have an account set up and need to submit a new map for an existing floor?

Today, the only way to access the map submission module is through the floor creation workflow. Therefore, you'll need to reach out to Robin Support to add a new map. You can send the updated map to or use the in-app chat. Robin Support will then add the new map to your account.


Once the new map is ready, navigate to Manage > select the office building > select the floor > Change map. Select the new map from the library and save your changes.

If you run into any trouble, reach out to your Customer Success Manager for assistance!

Step 1:  Create floors

During the onboarding process, Robin will prompt you to add a floor(s) to the office building you just created. 


Step 2: Submit floorplans

During the onboarding process, Robin will prompt you to upload floor plans. Before uploading your floorplans:

  • Make sure the file is no larger than 25MB 
  • Make sure the file is in one of the supported formats; PDF, JPG, or PNG file.
  1. Drag & drop the file into the box or click browse to attach the file. Add notes about the floor plan to help our team convert and trace your maps accurately. (Notes are optional)

  2. Click Create Floors in the top right corner to complete the onboarding process.

If you decide to skip this step during the onboarding process or want to add more floor maps later, you can do it from the Manage tab.



Once your floor plans are submitted, the Robin design team will start the conversion process. 



Then within about 2-3 business days, you'll receive an email notification when your map is completed and has been uploaded to your account. 


Still need to add floors?

If you still need to create a floor for your converted map, navigate to Manage > select the building > Add Floors + button > Enter floor name > Create floor button in the top right corner. This brings you to the office building details page.

Click the floor name under the "Floors in this building" section > Add map > Select the corresponding map > Save changes. Click Edit layout. 



Step 3: Personalize maps for an interactive experience

Start dragging and dropping desks, spaces, points of interest, and furnishings onto your map using the Layout tool. This is where you add any desk and space policies, set up room displays, and assign amenities, all from the Layout tool.   



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