Robin needs permission to view and modify the calendars paired with your account to keep them in sync. Follow steps 1 and 2 outlined below to prepare your Google calendar system for Robin.
Heads up
You'll need administrator access to your Google Workspace account in order to make some of these changes.
Step 1: Give booking user editing permissions
In order to properly edit events (e.g., end a meeting early from the room display), you'll need to give your booking user permission to edit events. There are two ways you can provide the booking user with the correct permissions:
OPTION #1: (Easiest) Give your booking user Super Admin privileges.
OPTION #2: Share your calendar resources with the booking user.
Step 2. Ensure resources are set to "Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict"
Each time someone adds a room resource to a Google calendar event, the room resource receives an invitation email. This is just like the meeting invites you're probably used to getting.
Set each of your room resource calendars to automatically accept invitations that do not conflict in Google Calendar. If you recently created new Google resources, they should inherit this setting by default, and no action is needed.
- In Google Calendar, you'll find a list of calendars in the left-side panel. Click the three dots to open a menu, then select Settings & sharing.
- On the calendar settings page, under the "Auto-accept invitations" section > select Auto-accept invitations that do not conflict.
- Update this calendar setting for every room that has a Google calendar associated with it.
Note, Google made a change to their API reference settings:
Beginning on November 4, 2019: If you have API reference disabled, we'll automatically switch your Admin API access to Disable. As a result, your users won't be able to sign in to certain apps until you grant API access to the apps. User will receive the alert, "Access to your account data is restricted by policies... " (or your customized message).