Step 1: Create a booking account in Google


We recommend pairing Robin with a generic booking ("Service") account instead of a personal one like or Once your organization has a booking account connected, you can enable personal booking to ensure everyone signing in via Google can book directly as themselves when possible.

If your company already uses a generic booking account to manage your meeting rooms, that's what you'll want to pair with Robin. 

If not, we recommend that the administrator for your company's Google account for Business creates a user account to manage bookings for Robin. Follow the video tutorial or the step-by-step- instructions below the video to learn how. 

  1. Sign in to your Google Admin account to access the Google Admin console.
    • If you see a list of Google Accounts on the sign-in page, be sure to choose your admin account (it does not end in
  2. From the Admin Console menu on the left, click Directory > Users.
  3. Click Add new user at the top. ADD USER.png
  4. Enter the booking user information. USER INFO.png
  5. Click Add new user. 

Why use a dedicated booking account?

Think of this as the invisible booking assistant for your office. Any anonymous calendar invitations will come from this account, and any events booked through Robin that can't be created on behalf of the user will show up on calendars owned by this account. Adding a booking account keeps your personal calendar clear of other folk's events. Make sure to give it the right permissions to avoid conflicts.

Here's an example calendar event booked through Robin. Hal is the generic booking user for our team.


Next up:

Create Google resource calendars for each of the rooms you'll add to Robin. 

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