Add co-workers as favorites

Adding co-workers as favorites allows you to easily see when the co-workers you connect with the most are scheduled to be in the office and where they're seated on the office map. You can add and view favorites using the mobile app or web dashboard. 

Add Favorites: mobile app

When you open the mobile app for the first time, you'll see a message to finish setting up your user account and add Favorites.


 Follow that prompt or tap the People tab to start adding Favorites. 



Tap the star next to a co-worker to add them to your Favorites. You can manage your favorites from the People tab at any time. 

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Add Favorites: web dashboard

1. From the web dashboard, click the People tab.

2. Click Favorites in the left sidebar.

3. Click Search people.

4. Click the star next to a co-worker's name to add them as a Favorite. 


After you've added Favorites, compare your schedule with your Favorites to see which(s) are the best days to join the office and book a desk nearby them. 



1. Do folks receive a notification when they're added as a favorite? 


2. Is there a limit on how many favorites you can add?

     No, you can add as many favorites as you'd like.         

3. Can I segment my favorites into different groups? 

     No, today you can only create one favorite group. 

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