How to change a desk reservation

You can make changes to your desk reservations using the web dashboard and mobile app. There are different edit options for hot and hotel desk reservations, which are outlined below. 

Single-day (hot desk) reservations

Multiple-day reservations (hotel desk)

  • You can only edit the dates of the hotel reservation.
    • If you need to change the time & location, cancel the entire reservation and rebook it. 
  • You can make edits from:
  • On the mobile app, you can only cancel the selected day from the hotel reservation. 



Today, you can only edit your own desk reservation. The edit desk reservation functionally does not support desk delegation. Users with desk delegation permission are limited to ending or canceling a reservation on a user's behalf.


Web dashboard

Schedule page: how to edit a single-day reservation 

You cannot edit a multiple-day reservation using the Schedule page. 

  1. Open the web dashboard (click the Schedule tab if it's not your home screen)
  2. Locate the reservation on your Schedule.
  3. Click the reservation to open it.
  4. Next to the reservation details, click the 3 dots to open the action menu. 
  5. Click Edit reservation. This opens the office map. 


3. Use the fields at the top to change the time, date, or duration.

4. Click Update reservation. 

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Office page: how to edit single-day & multiple-day reservations

  1. Navigate to the Office tab and locate your desk on the map. Look for a red "Your desk" marker.
  2. Click on your desk to open the reservation.
  3. Click More... 
  4. Depending on the type of reservation, click Edit or Change dates from the menu. (The image below is for a single-day reservation)
    •   Screenshot 2024-10-25 at 3.18.40 PM-mh.png
  5. To edit a single-day reservation, use the fields at the top to change the date, time, or floor. Click Update reservation to save changes. 
    • 2023-12-20_08-21-02 (1).gif
  6. To change the dates of a multiple-day reservation, use the calendar popup to add or remove dates. (To cancel the reservation, remove all the dates.) Click Save. 2023-12-20_08-45-47 (1).gif

User profile: edit single & multiple-day reservations

  1. Open the web dashboard.
  2. Click your profile in the top right corner.
  3. Locate the reservation under Desks. 
  4. Click the 3-action dot menu next to the reservation. 
  5. Click Edit reservation or change dates (for multiple-day reservations). 
  6. Editing a single-day reservation:
    1. Use the fields at the top of the office map to make changes to your reservation. Click Update reservation. 
    2. Then, let Robin know if you're still coming into the office or if you need to cancel all of your in-office plans.
  7. Changing the dates of a multiple-day reservation:
    1. Use the calendar popup to select different dates. Click Save. 
    2. If you need to cancel a reservation that's for multiple days, go to your user profile and cancel the entire reservation.

Mobile app

  1. Locate your reservation on your schedule or under your user profile.
  2. Tap the three dots next to it to open the action menu. 
  3. Now, there are different modification options based on the type of reservation you have:
    • Single-day (hot desk) reservation:  You can edit or cancel the reservation. To edit, use the fields at the top of the map to change the date/time. Or cancel the reservation. 
    • Multiple-day reservation (hotel desk): If the reservation is part of a multiple-day reservation, you can only cancel (remove) that reservation date from the hotel reservation; you cannot change the time. 




Q: Can users with desk delegation permission edit someone's reservation on their behalf?

A: Not today.

Q: Can I edit my own desk reservation if an office admin (or a user with desk delegation) made the original desk reservation for me?

A: Yes. 



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