Experimental features and betas

So you’ve decided to join a beta or an early release preview of the app. Wonderful! We’re glad to have you. As you navigate the land of new features, we have a few helpful things to keep in mind along the way.

Experimental Features

An experimental feature is our way of testing an idea that solves a problem. We’re showing you what’s new, as fast as possible, and it's not 100% complete or fully ready for primetime. There may be planned changes ahead for features that aren't ready for production. Some are scrapped entirely or taken back to the drawing board.

Generally, Admins have the option to enable experimental features from Organization Settings (Manage > Organization in the web dashboard). Here are a few considerations before you do:

  1. Only enable experimental features if you’re ready to see some quirks. Don’t rely on an experimental feature if you’re concerned about your Robin members being impacted.
  2. Some experimental features often test the workflow, not the specific implementation. 
  3. We’re looking for feedback, not just bug reports. Feel free to send your thoughts and suggestions on experimental features our way at any time.
  4. Reported issues are taken into consideration, but the timeline we're working on these is often different than production-ready features.

Early Preview beta

An early preview beta is a way to prepare for a feature that’s further along the development cycle. Early preview beta testers see products before every Robin customer has a chance to try it out and provide crucial feedback in exchange.

Fair warning: we’re judicious with deciding who gets early access. If you are interested in participating in an early preview, here are some things to keep in mind:

  1. Timelines can be difficult to predict. We'll share rough outlines of progress, not detailed weekly accounts. Patience is appreciated!
  2. Some early previews are admin-only. This means Robin members may not see the same results, depending on their user level. 
  3. Feedback is especially helpful to our team during early previews. In exchange for early access, we’ll request time to get your feedback to improve the product.

Want more info on how to participate in Robin's Beta Program and see a list of features available to test now? Read on, here

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