Configure personal booking for users

Supported calendar systems

  • Google Calendar
  • Microsoft 365


Configuring the settings outlined in this guide will provide users with a more personalized and streamlined scheduling experience.  Note that these steps are optional but are recommended for a more seamless Robin experience. 

Below are the additional features users will be able to enjoy if configured correctly: 

  • Users will see all of their upcoming events under the schedule view tab
  • Users will be able to preview co-workers' availability before creating events to help choose the best time for all attendees.
  • Users will own their events making it easier to create and edit events in Robin and external calendars.

How it works

When the Allow Personal Booking setting is enabled, user calendar accounts are connected, and room calendar permissions are configured correctly,  Robin will try to book events directly as the person, instead of the service account, allowing users to own and manage their events. We've outlined these 3 components in more detail below. 

Enabling "Allow personal booking" setting

1. Navigate to Manage > Integrations. 

2. Under the "Calendar integrations" section, click Manage for Google Apps or for Microsoft 365, depending on the calendar system your organization uses. 


3. Toggle on the "Allow personal booking" setting. 


3. Next up, users need to have their individual Google or Outlook accounts connected. 

Connecting user accounts & integration authentication 

  • By default, SSO is enabled for Google and Microsoft 365. SSO authentication will automatically connect user calendars 

  • Users can connect their calendar accounts under the user profile settings. (User profile > User settings > Integrations > Connect to relevant calendar system.) 

  • Users will follow the same Oauth authentication steps to complete the connection.

    • Tip: Remind users to make sure they have enabled pop-ups in their browser.

Lastly, configuring calendar permissions 

Make sure the room calendar permissions are configured correctly on the service account in order for users to create events & book spaces as themselves. User events will be declined if they don't have the correct permissions. These configurations are most critical for offices using Google calendars.  Refer to the link below for pointers:  

  • For Google, follow this guide  


"What about delegate access?" 

Granting delegate access to a colleague, like your executive assistant, is a settings configuration on your personal user account in your office's native calendar system. Refer to the links below according to your calendar system for guidance:



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