Create a health checkpoint survey

Robin’s health checkpoint allows admins to disseminate and collect data from employees to determine if they have been in contact with someone or are personally experiencing symptoms of Covid-19 prior to coming into the office. If an employee’s answer “fails” to meet the company standard, admins can easily spot this and communicate to the employee not to come to the office.

Anyone associated with a desk (including non-Robin members) will automatically receive the health checkpoint email.  Employees who click "Join Office" and don't have a desk reservation will not receive a health checkpoint at this time. 



If you created a health checkpoint survey before March 2021, we recommend modifying the survey to achieve a pass or fail result. To do this, edit the survey and select the appropriate answer for each question and save. 


Follow the tutorial below or the steps outlined in the guide


Setting up the survey 

  1. Admins, select Manage from the top ribbon > Integrations.
  2. Under the health checkpoint section > Manage. 2024-09-04_15-09-37.png
  3. Click New Checkpoint. 2024-09-04_15-13-18.png
  4. You can send building-specific checkpoints or create one checkpoint for all buildings.
    • Any person with a desk reservation or seat assignment in the selected buildings will automatically receive a health checkpoint email.
    • Note, one checkpoint survey per building. 2024-09-04_15-17-18.png
  5. Select how far in advance to send the checkpoint before a desk reservation or assignment starts. 2024-09-04_15-19-23.png
  6. (Optional step) Choose to alert specific people whenever someone fails the checkpoint, so you can follow up with the right process to keep everyone safe.
    • Additionally, choose if you'd like to include who failed in the email notification or keep it private. 2024-09-04_15-20-35.png
    • The email notification with the personal information included will look something like this: failed notifi w_name.png
    • The email notification without personal information included will look something like this: fail notification.png
  7. Use the default instructions we provided or write your own. Screenshot 2024-09-04 at 3.26.19 PM.png
  8. Next up, configure the survey questions and answers for a pass or fail result. Use the default questions we provided to get you started --you can modify, delete, or add more questions to best fit your organization's standards. 
    • To edit a question, click in the text box. Note, only "yes or no" questions are supported.
    • Click the trash icondelete a question.
    • Click the Add another question button at the bottom of the page to add more questions. Note, only yes or no questions are supported. 2024-09-04_15-28-12.png
  9. After you've created the questions, select the appropriate answer for each question in order to achieve a pass or fail result.
  10. At any time, you can save & close the draft you're working on or Publish the checkpoint to go live from the top toolbar. 2024-09-04_15-29-02.png

What if someone fails?

We highly recommend adding clear instructions in the customizable fail message to instruct employees to cancel their desk reservations, this isn't done automatically today. Automating this workflow is something we are exploring. 

What if someone fails it by accident?

Admins can send a "redo health survey" via email from the Daily Roster page (Manage > Access). The resend option is only available for failed checkpoints and it can only be retaken via email, it will not resurface in the web dashboard or mobile app. Note, when someone fails & retakes the checkpoint, only the latest survey response is captured in the Daily Roster & Responses export. 


Previewing & customizing messaging

Use the message preview tab to customize the pass and fail messages to fit your office's needs that end-users see after completing the health checkpoint. These customizations are per survey. 


You can also preview the email message end-users see when receiving the health checkpoint. Customizing the email message and/or delivery schedule is not supported today.


Completing your health checkpoint

You can complete the survey from the web dashboard, via email, or from the mobile app. 

If you've made a desk reservation, a seat assignment for yourself, or if an admin did it on your behalf, you'll receive a health checkpoint survey before your reservation starts on days your office is open. (When the survey sends is customizable and will vary for each office) 

Desk sharing

If your office allows desk sharing, you will not receive the checkpoint on the days you've shared your seat. 

Web dashboard

From the Office page, on the left side of the map, you'll see the option to complete your checkpoint or the option to mark yourself as Not coming in anymore. 


Via email

  • You'll receive a health checkpoint email titled, Complete your health checkpoint for [date, time].

  • Follow the link in the email to complete the health checkpoint questionnaire.

  • You don't have to be logged into Robin to complete it.  For non-Robin members, the health checkpoint is sent to the email used to make the seat assignment or desk reservation. 

  • Note, same-day reservations do not receive the health checkpoint email. This is because same-day reservations are made in real-time via the mobile app and/or via web dashboard which automatically prompts users to complete the health checkpoint as part of the booking workflow. 


Via mobile 

If you made a reservation using the mobile app that falls within the active survey window, then you'll automatically be prompted to take the health survey before heading in. 

Once a reservation is within the active survey window, you'll see a reminder on the Schedule tab to complete the survey before heading into the office.  

After completing the questionnaire, you'll be prompted with a message letting you know how to proceed. These messages are customizable. The message you see may look different.

Note, your desk reservation isn't automatically canceled if you fail. Look for any special instructions in the fail message provided by your office admin. P_F_msg_preview.png

Reviewing responses & statuses

You can view survey responses as CSV export from the Responses tab on the Health Checkpoint page, or follow the Access link to the Daily Roster (under Manage > Access) where you can see who completed the checkpoint and if they passed/failed it. 

Note, that we don't store visitor responses.

Responses tab:


A CSV export from the Responses tab will look something like this:


In order to use the CVS export functionality, you must be a Global admin or a custom role with Manage health checkpoints permission. 

Daily Roster:

The pass or fail statuses on the Daily Roster under the Access page will look something like this: 


You'll see a "Resend" survey option next to anyone who failed the survey. The redo survey is resent via email only, it will not pop up in the web dashboard or mobile app. This is helpful when someone misclicks and "accidentally fails" the survey.  



  • When a Robin user fails and retakes the checkpoint, only the latest survey response is captured in the Daily Roster & in the Reponses export.

  • Today, visitor responses are not stored, only Robin users. More to come on this in the future!

  • Employees who click "Join Office" and don't have a desk reservation do not receive a health checkpoint at this time. 

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