How to book a room using the web dashboard

Head to the Office page to find and book the best-fit space for your meetings or events using the web dashboard. The office page is an interactive map that reflects what's available in your office in real-time. 

Robin uses the following space status colors to help you find a space quickly: 

  • Green = Available 

  • Red = In use 

  • Yellow = Reserved, but not yet checked into

  • Grey = On demand; can't book in advance from the map 

Note status colors are customizable and may vary, and on-demand spaces are greyed out & cannot be booked from the map. 



Navigate to the Office tab and click a space from the map or click Find a space for additional space search criteria to find the optimal space for your needs. 


Set your search criteria using the drop-down fields at the top. The start and end times respect your office's work hours



When you see something you like, click the Book Meeting button or one of the green time pills to open the event composer. 


Use the event composer to fill in the event details and complete your booking. For more information on organizing events for others, check out this article.


Learn more about the power of the event composer:

  • Learn more about the power of the event composer here. 


How to book a space from the Schedule page

Robin highlights any upcoming meetings you have scheduled on your Workweek view. On days you're scheduled to come to the office, you'll notice a space suggestion and a one-click booking button next to meetings without a space.  Hot tip: Connect your calendar to see who is attending the meeting in the office.  

1. Open the Workweek tab on the Schedule page.

2.  Click the upcoming meeting you'd like to add a room to.

3. In the right sidebar, click Add to Event to book the suggested space, or click Find Another to search for a different space to book using the office map instead. hh

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