Templates for theme images

Want to make sure your logo shows up perfectly? Use these templates to help frame your design best across the apps.

Theme Backgrounds

The main background image on room displays, similar to space profile images. Since devices have different resolutions, there's not a single "one size fits all" for space images. Instead, we recommend using the image (approx. 2048px by 1536px)  below to help center your background's focus into the gray box. Learn more.

Room display theme background template

Room Display Logo

Use a wider version of your logo. A white transparent PNG that's visible on top of photos works well. Aim for a 500px by 200px ratio for best results.

Room Display logo template

Full Width Logo

Used on search pages and in the header of the web dashboard. A full color PNG, horizontal orientation works well. Aim for a 600px by 160px ratio for best results. We'll automatically scale down 2X when needed.

We'll update this page whenever we add new ways to customize your organization's layouts.

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