How to invite visitors at scale via CSV


  • Visitor Management
  • The Guest permission

Do you have a big marketing event coming up and need to register guests in bulk for your event? With Robin's Visitor Management feature, you can easily add a large group of guests via CSV upload. 


Navigate to the Visits tab > New Visit. Requires the Guest feature permission


Enter the visit details; host, building location, time, and visit type.  


Click Import from CSV.


Drag & drop your .csv file or click "select a file" to add a file from your computer. 

- CSV format: Guest name, Guest email (both fields are required)

 * Hot tip: Download the CSV template that's already formatted for you to avoid any errors, just add the guest info! 

- You can include up to 500 visitors per CSV upload




Review your imported list and click Done.



Lastly, you have the option to add additional guest instructions to include in the email invite, or you can choose not to send email invites to the visitors by unchecking the "send email invitations."

If the guest is required to agree to any legal documents before their visit, they can do so from the email invite anytime before their visit (or when they check in).  

If the guest is required to complete a health checkpoint, they'll receive an email with a link to complete the checkpoint 24 hours before the visit starts (or immediately if the visit starts within 24 hours). They can also do this when they get to the office from the arrival display.



Click Create to complete the visitor registration.

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