Having trouble connecting your account?

If you're seeing an error message when trying to connect your on-premise Exchange account or calendars, there are a few common reasons. Keep in mind that Robin supports Exchange 2007 and higher.

Run the connection test first

Save some time by starting with this connectivity test from Microsoft. It will identify which issue below might be the culprit. To begin, open the test in a separate window and then follow our instructions below.

  1. Capitalize the domain used in DOMAIN\username, which is case-sensitive.
  2. Used a service (not user) account to connect with Robin
  3. Added Robin's IP addresses to your firewall whitelist
  4. Have NTLM authentication enabled on your Exchange server

Calendar troubleshooting

  1. Most common Configure impersonation roles for the service account
  2. Tried to connect Exchange with Robin

Test your connectivity with Microsoft's tool

Since Exchange configurations come in all shapes and sizes, we'll need we'll need a little background information to help troubleshoot. Fortunately, Microsoft has a handy diagnostic tool which makes finding connection issues easy: https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com

SSL verification

Robin verifies your server's SSL certificates by default for added security, and you'll need to uncheck SSL verification under Advanced Settings if you have a self-signed certificate or use an outdated cipher (i.e. SHA1). You can confirm your certificate is valid using this tool.

If you can successfully connect using this tool, you should have no trouble connecting to Robin with the right  configuration.

Start a connectivity test

Open https://testconnectivity.microsoft.com in your browser.
Select Microsoft Exchange Web Services Connectivity Test > Service Account Access 

Enter details about your service account, EWS URL, and room resource. Make sure the target mailbox email address and the email address for the impersonated user are both pointing to one of your room resource accounts. In most cases these will be identical. You must check "Use Exchange Impersonation" in order to match Robin's connection.

Check your capitalization

Your domain (i.e. Target) is case sensitive. When you enter your user name, make sure DOMAIN\username are separated with a backslash(\) OR a valid UPN (e.g. "service_account@yourdomain.com".

Annotated Exchange Service Account Connection Test

Run the test, and your results will include information about what did and didn't work. If you need to share your results for troubleshooting, you can save a copy of the report using the button on the top right.

"The test worked, but it still won't connect"

If the Microsoft test works, but you're still failing to connect in Robin there are a few differences to check:

  • DOMAIN capitalization. Confirm that using a capitalized DOMAIN\username or UPN for username doesn't work either.
  • Stricter SSL verification. If you have a valid third party certificate using an outdated cipher (i.e. SHA1) you will also need to skip SSL verification in Robin to connect.
  • NTLM Authentication. Microsoft's connectivity tool uses Basic authentication, but Robin encrypts via NTLM. You should confirm that NTLM is enabled, and allows outside services to authenticate with it.

"That still didn't work, now what?"

Don't worry, we're here to help. Send us a message with the following:

  1. A screenshot of Microsoft's connectivity test above, with the form filled out.
  2. The diagnostic log for the Exchange Integration in Robin. You'll find an option to copy the results under Advanced Settings > Diagnostics.

In most cases, we're able to point you in the right direction within one email

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