View desk check in statuses

Admins can use the Daily Roster located on the Access page (Manage > Access) in the web dashboard to see desk check-in data for any given day.

The Daily Roster captures information like who checked in, when they checked in, and how they checked in. It also provides a summary of the number of desk checks in made remotely and locally each day.

Note the different check-in actions and their responses:

  • Selecting Check-in confirms the reservation; the checked-in status is visible in-app, as well as in exports & the roster. 

  • Selecting Cancel releases desk before the reservation starts → reservation canceled & marked on the roster as "Not coming in"

  • Selecting End releases desk after reservation starts → reservation ended & marked on the roster as "Not coming in"


Additionally, you can find desk check-in status data in the following dashboards & exports. Any dashboard or export that has desk check-in data will count badge swipes as desk check-ins. 

Lastly, you can manually upload badge access control data or add a direct access control integration to increase the accuracy of historical check-in and office attendance data. Available for Basic and Advanced Analytics. 




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